The Gathering is the place where we generously share, serve and go. We believe that it is the call of our Lord Jesus to go into the world and declare the good news of the Gospel.
Local Missions
The Gathering is committed to sharing the Gospel and investing in our local community through the following ministries.
Center of Hope
Center of Hope is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to helping others break the cycle of poverty in Parker County.
We help support Center of Hope financially on a monthly basis and by partnering with other local churches to provide meals to those in need.
Grace House Ministries
With the compassion of Christ, Grace House Ministries engages, educates and empowers individuals to make life-affirming choices regarding unexpected pregnancies.
We help support Grace House Ministries financially on a monthly basis. In addition to financial support, we have volunteered to help teach their Pure Truth Curriculum which is a 2-week abstinence class taught in some of the local schools.
Velvet Hearts
We exist to show the unconditional love of Christ to women and men who work in the sex industry and to renew and reaffirm hope and a future to them.
Sanctified Hope
Sanctified Hope is a Christian based nonprofit transitional program which offers Christ-centered training and support. Our mission is to provide an environment in which formerly incarcerated or hurting individuals have the opportunity to experience the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.
Sanctified Hope Home for Women provides a safe, learning environment for women who have recently been released from prison. Through a 12-18 month Christ-centered program, women journey to freedom and success. They will participate in Bible-based discipleship training, vocational classes, job training, volunteer programs, which will then lead to full-time employment.
Safe Harbor
Formed in 2004, Safe Harbor Counseling Center is dedicated to providing professional counseling from a Christian perspective at an affordable cost to Parker and surrounding counties. Our desire is to be an extension of God’s grace, mercy, and healing.
Missions Abroad
The Gathering is committed to partnering in meaningful ways with like-minded organizations, individuals and churches to share the Gospel and serve those in need across the globe. We do this through relationships with the following partners.
Courtney Mayes, partnering with Sports Friends, has been convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s Good News. They believe that He has called them to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known, using the powerful platform of sports.
New Song Mission
Gaston, Amber and Tanner Bachelier have partnered with New Song Mission in Haiti. Our deepest desire is to glorify our King, share His love with the lost so that many would come to know Him! The beautiful people of Haiti, like you and I were created for a purpose!
Velvet Hearts
We exist to show the unconditional love of Christ to women and men who work in the sex industry and to renew and reaffirm hope and a future to them.
Campus Crusade
The Easterhaus family has been on staff with Athletes in Action for the last 10 years on the campus of Stanford University, and are currently raising additional support to make the transition to Stanford University!
Mattaw Children
Bud and Kim Huffman dreamed, founded, built and now give their lives in service at Mattaw Children’s Village in Kitale, Kenya. They have 3 beautiful children: Elisha, Claire and Ezra. In Kitale, the Huffman family gives love and hope to those that need it most.
Africa Family Rescue
Ben and Melody Pahlow run Africa Family Rescue in Uganda. Africa Family Rescue is designed to restore hope and dignity to families, communities and churches affected by extreme poverty.
Great Commission Ministries
GCM exists to maximize the impact of missions by providing professional services, equipment, supplies and logistics to strengthen and come alongside Christian ministries worldwide.
Our focus is to provide for the basic needs of the people, i.e. safe drinking water, sanitation, medical treatment, supplies, and humanitarian aid including food and nutrition. With this accomplished, we as Christians assist the local mission to get to the ultimate goal of making Christ following disciples.
Good News Nation
Creating a Facebook invite to host an online pastor’s meeting is the simple avenue that the Lord used to connect Brad Crawford with the nation of India, and Good News Nation was born. From hosting monthly pastors conferences and drilling wells to seeing hundreds saved, healed and baptized, North India is the launching pad for this global ministry with a vision to establish the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the nations of the earth. The Yaple family has come alongside the Crawfords in this endeavor by ministering to the women of North India, and in the Summer of 2021, hosted the first Christian women’s conference ever to be recorded in this region. Good News Nation is currently discipling and supporting thirty Indian pastors and in the summer of 2022, through the generous support of The Gathering, is set to open its first church building in Rajasthan, India.
Jewish Ministries
Support for the Jewish community is commanded in God’s Word. It is our pleasure to provide monthly support for this ministry that are are working with the Jewish people.
Jewish Voice Ministries
Jewish Voice Ministries is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jew first and also to the Nations throughout the world.